Knowing how to effectively use brain waves to train our brains means first and foremost improving our quality of life. But first you need to understand what they are and how they work. And with the help of some fun exercises, the result is guaranteed.
The human brain is an extraordinary machine. Without us realizing it, during the day and also at night, an incredible amount of work is carried out by the nerve cells through the continuous experimentation of different states of consciousness; in fact, the intense electrochemical activity of the brain reveals the manifestation of cerebral waves, called 'electromagnetic', which are translated as real frequencies (measurable with electrical equipment such as the electroencephalogram or EEG) and which recount the action they regularly carry out (e.g. eating, driving, working, sleeping, etc.).
Therefore, it is the experience or the commitment made by the brain, given by behavior, emotions and thought, that produces these waves; this happens through a rhythmic repetition of the nervous tissue within the central nervous system. Basically, neurons talk to each other, exchanging messages and information, ultimately creating fluctuations called brain waves. In this respect, we need only think of musical notes and different musical instruments, where, for example, high-frequency waves can be traced back to the sound of a flute and low-frequency waves to a drum. Furthermore, the study of brain waves not only establishes the neuro physical and emotional balance of an individual, but also reveals some important pathologies (e.g. depression, epilepsy, Alzheimer's, and many others).
“The brain: if you cultivate it, it works. If you let it go and retire it weakens. Its plasticity is formidable. That's why you have to keep thinking”.
(Rita Levi Montalcini)
Therefore, it is essential to understand the importance and functioning of the five brain waves, so that we can interpret the various states of consciousness to improve their distinct performance, but above all for a better quality of life. Furthermore, it is interesting to know that the frequency of the various brain waves is calculated in Hertz, or clicks per second, and are divided into 4 bands (Delta, Theta, Alpha and Beta) plus a fifth, called Gamma, which is the most recent and also the highest and fastest, but which we will see later when we talk about the "frequency of harmonization or spirituality".
Let's start with the lowest and slowest frequency...
1. DELTA Brain Waves
Frequency between 0.1 and 3 hertz.
These are the slowest waves and related to the deepest sleep (without dreams); associated especially with infants or very young children, they are important for digestion, heartbeat and a regular immune system. These waves relate specifically to the unconscious mind, including coma or near-death episodes. But one can also experience rebirth and miraculous healing, as our physical reality is dissolved completely with sleep.
2. THETA Brain Waves
Frequency between 3 and 7 hertz.
The Theta frequencies, also known as "the storehouse of creativity and spiritual inspiration", cover all those activities of the imaginative capacity, also present in deep meditation and in the REM phase of sleep. The state of waking in the morning and falling asleep is another example of the Theta frequency; and DREAM, in particular, is the most active state of consciousness, which especially in children under 13, stimulates the maximum production of the so-called "growth hormone", also linked to intuition and creative visualization. It is no coincidence that it is associated with people with strong spiritual and artistic aptitudes. It is interesting to know that these waves are connected to the natural rhythm of Mother Earth and the ionospheric cavity (7.83 Hz), better known as the Schumann Resonance, which is also called OM frequency by ancient Indian sages, and which would stimulate the "third eye or pineal gland".
3. ALPHA Brain Waves
Frequency between 7 and 13 hertz.
They have a frequency that varies from 7 to 13 Hz and are associated with a state of consciousness of the present moment and in which the mind is calm but alert, focused on achieving a goal, but at the same time relaxed. Alpha waves are associated with all those deep emotions of well-being, such as love and joy, and also present in the meditative state of yoga. In the Alpha state there is generally a synchronization and balance between the right and left hemispheres. An example of the Alpha state, is when we devote ourselves heart and soul to an activity we love without realizing the passage of time, or when we are inspired and relaxed, but still well organized, focused on learning new information. Those who approach problems with an open mind, in a creative way, are in fact Alpha wave carriers.
4. BETA Brain Waves
Frequency between 13 and 30 hertz.
Beta frequency is the frequency in which most people are usually immersed. Beta brain waves are therefore related to ordinary activities, i.e.: problem definition, selection and determination, arising from the external world. An example would be studying a book, where the analytical area of the mind is used to select, judge and make decisions.
In addition, Beta frequencies, which mainly concern the rational mind, are related to ego, control and competition and are divided into 3 bands:
Upper Beta. activates the so-called 'Reptilian Brain', which requires a lot of energy from the body for its high speed activity and continuous competitive excitement;
Medium Beta. The brain is in a situation of high concentration for learning about a given problem;
Lower Beta. There is no activity. An example is when watching TV on the sofa.
5. GAMMA Brain Waves
Frequency between 30 and 90 Hz.
Gamma waves are found in deep meditation and are related to all those psychic and analytical processes (e.g. determination, problem solving, etc.) that give the possibility to perform several activities simultaneously. Considered the fastest and newest, (in terms of discovery) by scholars, they are also known as "harmonizing frequencies", as they process all information from different areas of the brain, ultimately giving a broader perspective. To enter the Gamma frequency, the mind needs to relax in order to be able to express higher states of consciousness (such as spirituality, universal love and compassion). For this reason, it is a very rare frequency to attain, as it requires an expanded mind, as in the case of Tibetan Monks, who are able to descend deep into meditation and experience universal union.
Finally, there are two more 'new' waves, still under recent experimentation through the use of the EEG, which appear to be more brain spikes than ordinary frequencies, including:
Hyper Gamma. (at 100 hz) fast waves, in which certain psychic abilities and out-of-body experience are possible, still poorly documented;
Lambda (at 200 hz) are very fast waves; an example is linked to Tibetan monks who are able to meditate at impossible heights with very little clothing on;
Epsilon or infrared (less than 0.5 Hz), which are little known as they are very slow and difficult to measure, concern elevated meditative states (as in yogis) in which breathing is practically at a standstill.
#5 Exercises to AWAKEN the mind every day
"I've lost a bit of sight, a lot of hearing. At conferences I don't see the projections and I don't hear well. But I think more now than when I was 20. The body does what it wants. I am not the body: I am the mind."
Rita Levi-Montalcini
Therefore, it is clear that the activities expressed by the various frequencies in our brain, produce a certain type of energy, which through awareness and constant practice, can become the right allies for better health and spiritual well-being.
In this regard, in order to cause the voluntary production of certain types of brain waves, there is a tool, called "auditory rhythmic stimulation", (RAS) which aims to present some suggestions with the use of binaural music, also called "music that makes consciousness travel", helping people suffering from neuro-degenerative diseases or simply to be able to modulate different states of mind. The author Eric Edwards, with his book on 'Brain Entrainment', suggests the use of tuning in with sound in order to rebalance the two cerebral hemispheres: in which the brain tuned in to a frequency, (or brain activity that corresponds to it) will function as a whole.
Below, JOMOSOPHY proposes 5 simple and fun exercises in which no specific preparation is necessary and which serve to stimulate the brain on a daily basis in order to strengthen the creative and intuitive mode for higher states of consciousness:
Fireplace method: used extensively by Edison to find new ideas and solve problems, it brings the brain first into Alpha and then Theta. One plays the sound of the fireplace in the background and using stereo headphones, holds small balls in one's hand and rests one's forearms on the arms of an armchair or sofa, while on the floor, at hand level, leave a serving tray. Then, as soon as you fall asleep, drop the spheres on the tray and wake up; repeat the exercise at least three times in a row and you will notice that as you fall asleep again, the connections of new processed information will increase, remaining alert and in Theta frequency for a long time;
Short nap: as was also the habit of Leonardo da Vinci, taking short naps during the day, can be useful to enter the creative wave of Theta; you summarize all the information of the problem and then you let yourself go in a short sleep, (maybe after lunch or early afternoon, even 20/30 minutes are enough) to be so reworked;
Float in the tub: if you have a tub at home, (or if you prefer you can do it in a swimming pool or at the sea, where the water is shallow and without falling asleep) experimenting with the classic dead afloat, i.e. keeping your ears submerged, head up and closing your eyes. As well as feeling light, you will listen to the sounds of nature and be lulled by it.
Tune in to the right music: the power of music is healing. You can listen to audio files of all 5 frequencies to stimulate certain areas of the brain and states of consciousness. We suggest, in particular, the audio on "Tibetan bells", which according to recent scientific studies, are an excellent tool because they correspond to the state of consciousness of deep relaxation.
Chanting mantras in a group: there is an Indian yoga practice, called "Kirtan", in which mantras are chanted in a group, with the musical accompaniment of a drum, hands and guitar; this vibration serves to overcome the ordinary states of the mind towards the extraordinary. On the internet, or rather on Youtube, you can find many videos about it. Really recommended.
JOMOSOPHY suggests:
Brainwave entrainment, Eric Edwards, Editore Area 51 Publishing. (Italian Version)
Schumann Resonance, Audio Frequenze DNA.
"Frequences", di Fabio Belloni, Marzo 2021. (Italian Version)